Celebrating the life of a loved one

Mourning the loss of a loved one can be a traumatic and overwhelming experience. It is completely normal to feel an intense range of emotions and you must give yourself time to deal with your feelings. A funeral is an important event after someone passes as it gives the family a chance to grieve, say their goodbyes, and share happy memories. With this in mind, here are our top tips to help you celebrate the life of a loved one.

Choose an intimate venue

Funerals are personal events that are best suited to small, intimate venues. You need to choose a venue that is large enough to accommodate the number of guests in attendance. However, keep in mind that an intimate funeral and wakes venue will allow guests to feel more comfortable expressing their emotions and sharing their true feelings. It is possible to hold a funeral reception at many different venues including hotels, schools, churches, and social clubs. You should choose a venue that offers a convenient and welcoming environment for family and guests to gather, one that has excellent staff on hand to provide you with your every need. You also need to check whether your venue offers a catering service. An affordable alternative would be to provide your own food and drinks, but you need to check whether your venue allows this beforehand.

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Create memories for all to enjoy

Funerals are naturally sad occasions, but you have to try and use the opportunity to bring your loved ones closer and create happy memories. Many people choose to do a memory table, where you place items that represent important moments in your loved one’s life. This may include photographs or other meaningful mementos. A memory slideshow is another popular option as you can display many different photographs and images throughout the service. You can also provide your guests with small mementos to take away with them. People often choose small items like shells, a beaded chain, or another token that represents their lost loved one in some way. These items can provide a great source of comfort and remind people of their lost loved one and the happy times they shared.

Keep it family friendly

Attending funerals is an important way for children to remember their loved one and say their goodbyes. However, funerals can be extremely intense and upsetting for children, especially if their family members are expressing extreme forms of grief. You can help make the funeral as family friendly as possible by creating a separate area where children can go to during the service or reception. Make sure that you include things like toys and games to help soothe upset children and keep them entertained. Before the funeral, you should speak with children to prepare them and make sure they understand what will be involved. Allowing children to contribute to the ceremony, by choosing flowers or music, for example, is an excellent way to involve children in the funeral of their loved one. You should also try to limit the amount of alcohol at the funeral to keep it as family friendly as possible.

Celebrate the life of your loved one

It is important to try and turn a funeral or wake into a celebration of your loved one’s life, rather than just a time to grieve and mourn their loss. Take the opportunity to discuss your loved one’s achievements and look at photographs and other meaningful mementos that reflect their life. Sharing memories can be a great way to celebrate the life of your loved one. However, you should keep in mind that some guests may not feel comfortable sharing their personal memories in front of everyone. Fortunately, there are many ways to provide your guests with a private way to share their favourite memories. For instance, you could leave out a book and ask everyone to write down their fondest memories. If your loved one expressed any requests about how they would like to be remembered after their passing, then make sure to honour this. For example, many people request that guests wear bright colours at their funeral, or that a particular song is played during the service.

Celebrating the life of a loved one Celebration of life 3

Final thoughts

Funerals are sad occasions where you will grieve the loss of a loved one, but they should also be an opportunity to celebrate the person’s life and share happy memories. Funerals have the power to bring families and friends closer together. They also offer the chance to provide valuable support and honour the life of your lost family member or friend. Use some of the above tips to help you celebrate the life of your loved one.



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