Sponsors announced for The Suffolk Business Exhibition 2013

Seckford Hall are delighted to announce that they will be supporting this years event as a Silver Sponsor.

13th February 2013

Sponsors and media partners recently gathered at Ipswich Town Hall to officially launch this years Suffolk Business Exhibition. The event was sponsored by Ipswich Borough Council and included a welcome address from Councillor Bryony Rudkin, Portfolio Holder for Culture.

Arguably one of the county’s best-supported business events, the ISSBA Suffolk Business Exhibition 2013 will be taking place at Trinity Park Ipswich on Wednesday 1st May 2013.

Roger Barcham, Chairman of ISSBA commented: “We are delighted that The Suffolk Chamber of Commerce has again agreed to be our main Strategic Partner and has worked tirelessly to promote the event to other potential sponsors. We are pleased to announce that Suffolk County Council have agreed to sponsor the event for three years as a main 2nd Tier Sponsor. This is fantastic news for the future success and growth of the event. I would also like to thank all of our sponsors who are so crucial in being able to deliver such a well respected and attended event.”

“The Suffolk Business Exhibition is a fundamental event on the annual calendar for firms across the county,” said John Dugmore the Chief Executive of Suffolk Chamber of Commerce. “Business is working harder than ever in challenging economic conditions and the exhibition is a great opportunity for firms to come together to find new ways of doing business in the year ahead.”

“We encourage anyone who wants to do more business to come to the Exhibition. Every year we get feedback telling us not only that business enjoyed the day but how they made contacts that will bring them new opportunities in the future. It is good for Suffolk, it is good for our economy and it is good for business.”

Councillor Judy Terry, Suffolk County Council’s cabinet member for economic development, said:

“Suffolk County Council is committed to supporting our businesses to grow and prosper. Events such as the Suffolk Business Exhibition are an important way for our companies to showcase what they do and build up their contacts and clients. I am delighted to have been able to provide a 3 year sponsorship agreement that will help this important event to grow even stronger.”

In previous years the event has been held in the main exhibition hall and the Trinity Rooms, in 2013 there will also be the addition of a large marquee adjacent to the Trinity Rooms to allow even more businesses to exhibit. ISSBA will also be introducing barcode scanning technology given the bigger number of visitors expected to the event. The Exhibition is also open longer this year between 11.00 am and 7.00 pm, commencing with an Exhibitors Breakfast, sponsored by Trinity Park.


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